Primera novela gráfica de María Luque sobre el pintor Cándido López y la Guerra del Paraguay.
Funded with 121%
to go
51.1 k
Before you start putting your project together, we want to tell you that on October 12th of 2018, Ideame’s bringing some changes to the Commission Plan (you can learn more about it here:
If you start the draft of your Project Form before this date, you will be charged the commission percentage you’ve accepted on Terms and Conditions when you began (it doesn’t matter when you click Publish!).
Bare in mind, starting on 00.00PM of October 12th of 2018, every draft created on a Project Form will have the new Commission Plan over the total amount raised.
Before you carry on putting your project together, we want to tell you that on October 12th of 2018, Ideame’s bringing some changes to the Commission Plan (you can learn more about it here:
But don’t worry! Because you’ve started your draft before this date, your campaign will continue to have the Commission Plan of the Terms and Commissions you’ve accepted when you created your project (it doesn’t matter when you click Publish!).