
  • México
  • Perfil Verificado

Filmmaker, photographer and currently responsible for production of the documentary "Before you throw the salt"

I finished my filmmaking studies in CIGCITE (International Film and TV Scriptwriting).

I have participated in many exhibitions in still photography, "Views of the City", "Fotoseptiembre 2004" in Galerón and Hall of Mexican Plastic.

In 2009 I directed the documentary "Day of (dead)" selected in: FICCCH (1st International Film Festival of Chihuahua City); Film Festival Looks at film and TV by Chilean and foreign Directors 2010 in Valparaiso, Chile and Sampled in Film Festival 1000 feet underground in Mexico City.

I made several short films as director, photographer and assistant director.

In 2009 I photographed the documentary "Guilty of Innocence" from director Natalia Armienta; winner of the 5th. International Film Festival of Social and Human Rights, Valpariaso, Chile and selected in many national and international festivals.

In addition I have worked as a fixed photographer, videographer, advertising designer and post-producer.

Cuando se tira la sal, todo está dicho, un mal augurio viene en camino, ayuda a evitarlo apoyandonos, Antes de que se tire la sal
Recaudó $ 150 USD
  • 0 min. restantes
  • 9.6 k vistas
  • 3 colaboradores

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