Proyecto Finalizado.
  • Proyecto
  • Novedades

We are a team of volunteers from Peru and Mexico, working in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil with the purpose to help these children. We are in our best disposition but we still need you help.

The NGO works independently from the government, financed by charity and other supports that are just enough to fulfill the basic elements of children. however, since 2003 that the school started activities, the facilities have been deteriorating and do not have the quality standards required for children.

The money raised will be used to adquire the following elements:

-Fridge: the children eat breakfast and lunch at the daycare and there is currently not enough space for all their food.

-Fans: Salvador temperatures are daily around 28°C - 35°C, a proper ventilation is needed.

-Rubber mats: for napping, there are not enough mattresses for everyone. 

-Laptop and printer: for kids activities and difusion of the school.



En caso de no recaudar el 100% de nuestro objetivo económico haremos lo siguiente:

  • Con el 10%

    We will buy the fans and rubber mats

  • Con el 25%

    We will buy the fans, rubber mats and school materials

  • Con el 50%

    We will buy the fans, rubber mats and fridge.

  • Con el 75%

    We will buy the fans, rubber mats, fridge and a computer


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