Proyecto Finalizado.
  • Proyecto
  • Novedades
Thank you very much for your support! Receive drawings of the project, news as it develops and obviously our Thanks!
  • Costo de envío por cuenta del creador
0 Colaboradores
$ 3.00 USD

Proyecto finalizado

Access to the gallery of images, videos and previews of the project + can vote the best photos for the Expo 2012 + a personal message (and your name, obviously) of creative + wallpaper in high resolution exclusive and unique to you (yes, only)
  • Costo de envío por cuenta del creador
0 Colaboradores
$ 10.00 USD

Proyecto finalizado

The above + a special mention as a partner in the web + you get the exclusive rights of a 3D image (left and right) to use, modify or publish them as well + a downloadable DVD, with footage of the project
  • Costo de envío por cuenta del creador
0 / 20 Colaboradores
$ 50.00 USD

Proyecto finalizado

Rate the pictures and videos to publish on the web and in the Expo 2012 + mention as a collaborator on the web with a biographical sketch + a set of 5 exclusive images (size medium) with a set of 3D glasses + a session 3D with us (this last benefit is unique to Santiago de Chile and Buenos Aires - date to be announced)
  • Costos de envío:
  • - Nacional: $ 5.00 USD
  • - Internacional: $ 15.00 USD
0 / 10 Colaboradores
$ 100.00 USD

Proyecto finalizado

This is a lot! You deserve to vote for the photos and videos to publish on the web and at Expo 2012) + mentioned as a collaborator on the web and in the credits of the videos and the expo) + a set of 5 new images (poster size) with a set of 3D glasses + 3D video shot especially for you + a 3D session with us (this last benefit is unique to Santiago de Chile and Buenos Aires - date to be announced)
  • Costos de envío:
  • - Nacional: $ 5.00 USD
  • - Internacional: $ 15.00 USD
0 / 5 Colaboradores
$ 300.00 USD

Proyecto finalizado

Executive producer and fan! You deserve a dedicated video especially for you as well as one where we give you thanks, for you to shine and lead the envy of your friends + your vote will have greater weight in relation to others, you're important eh! + you'll appear on the web, the expo and will be part of the executive producers on all credits appearing on the videos + receive set of images selected with tweezers, printed in 3D and in a tremendous size, along with several 3D glasses so you can give your friends and share the exciting project with which you worked + You can get a 3D session with us, join us for a day of recording, have a coffee with us and bring great ideas into a series of pictures or a film that co-create, to say with the chest held high, "I was part of this project!" (this last benefit is unique to Santiago de Chile and Buenos Aires - date to be announced)
  • Costos de envío:
  • - Nacional: $ 5.00 USD
  • - Internacional: $ 15.00 USD
0 / 5 Colaboradores
$ 500.00 USD

Proyecto finalizado

R3DESCUBRE corresponds to the initial phase, ie, the first of many projects which aim to create original content and independently in 3D. Focused directly on the area of ??production of images, videos and films always in this same format.

Specifically, with R3DESCUBRE going to portray our city and its environment, culture and diverse artistic treasures, as well asinteresting places, landscapes and everyday situations, which will allow us to transport our audience to the site and the exact moment that performed the image. This will be accomplishedwith the use of the 3D format is enough to transport you to any place, anywhere.

On the other hand, when we finish this project, we will work to bring out other new ideas, to continue the production of audio visual material in 3D.

What we will do with all the audiovisual material?
Once we get all the audiovisual material of the project, we will publish exclusively for our producers in a web gallery where they can decide and evaluate our images, choosing and voting for the footage, which will be selected for the final web gallery will bepublicly accessible from anywhere in the world.

Also, the best footage will be used for an exhibition we want to accomplish during the second quarter of 2012. This part of the project will be organized and financed by us and you will be part of it.

What do we need?
With your help we can afford the equipment necessary for therealization of this and upcoming projects. Mainly specializedphotographic equipment we need for this type of format, and let us take pictures and record videos.In addition to finance part of the costs of maintaining the site.

Of course, in exchange for your help, we offer exciting rewards,which you can check here on the side.

With your help, we can realize and fulfill our goals. And attention! not only need money. If you can not support us with money, you can promote an share our project among your friends, acquaintances or at your own blog.

Promote us at the web using Facebook or Twitter, and who knows, maybe we meet at street and we make a 3D session.


Thank you very much for your support! Receive drawings of the project, news as it develops and obviously our Thanks!
  • Costo de envío por cuenta del creador
0 Colaboradores
$ 3.00 USD

Proyecto finalizado

Access to the gallery of images, videos and previews of the project + can vote the best photos for the Expo 2012 + a personal message (and your name, obviously) of creative + wallpaper in high resolution exclusive and unique to you (yes, only)
  • Costo de envío por cuenta del creador
0 Colaboradores
$ 10.00 USD

Proyecto finalizado

The above + a special mention as a partner in the web + you get the exclusive rights of a 3D image (left and right) to use, modify or publish them as well + a downloadable DVD, with footage of the project
  • Costo de envío por cuenta del creador
0 / 20 Colaboradores
$ 50.00 USD

Proyecto finalizado

Rate the pictures and videos to publish on the web and in the Expo 2012 + mention as a collaborator on the web with a biographical sketch + a set of 5 exclusive images (size medium) with a set of 3D glasses + a session 3D with us (this last benefit is unique to Santiago de Chile and Buenos Aires - date to be announced)
  • Costos de envío:
  • - Nacional: $ 5.00 USD
  • - Internacional: $ 15.00 USD
0 / 10 Colaboradores
$ 100.00 USD

Proyecto finalizado

This is a lot! You deserve to vote for the photos and videos to publish on the web and at Expo 2012) + mentioned as a collaborator on the web and in the credits of the videos and the expo) + a set of 5 new images (poster size) with a set of 3D glasses + 3D video shot especially for you + a 3D session with us (this last benefit is unique to Santiago de Chile and Buenos Aires - date to be announced)
  • Costos de envío:
  • - Nacional: $ 5.00 USD
  • - Internacional: $ 15.00 USD
0 / 5 Colaboradores
$ 300.00 USD

Proyecto finalizado

Executive producer and fan! You deserve a dedicated video especially for you as well as one where we give you thanks, for you to shine and lead the envy of your friends + your vote will have greater weight in relation to others, you're important eh! + you'll appear on the web, the expo and will be part of the executive producers on all credits appearing on the videos + receive set of images selected with tweezers, printed in 3D and in a tremendous size, along with several 3D glasses so you can give your friends and share the exciting project with which you worked + You can get a 3D session with us, join us for a day of recording, have a coffee with us and bring great ideas into a series of pictures or a film that co-create, to say with the chest held high, "I was part of this project!" (this last benefit is unique to Santiago de Chile and Buenos Aires - date to be announced)
  • Costos de envío:
  • - Nacional: $ 5.00 USD
  • - Internacional: $ 15.00 USD
0 / 5 Colaboradores
$ 500.00 USD

Proyecto finalizado


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