¡Parcialmente financiado! :)
Este proyecto finalizó el día Saturday, March 22, 2014 y podrá realizar un plan alternativo.
  • Proyecto
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Digital book + Acknowledgment

Thanks for cooperating with us! We'll send you a digital book and we'll mention you in the book as acknowledgement for your contribution.
  • Sin costo de envío
1 Colaborador
$ 0.06 USD

Proyecto finalizado


Thanks for the contribution! We don't want to limit this reward so, if you want it, you get it, though we may have to make a reedition (hopefully!). It's the least we can do, together with mentioning you as acknowledgement.
  • Sin costo de envío
4 Colaboradores
$ 0.12 USD

Proyecto finalizado

Anti Ediciones Combo + Dig. Pack + Acknowledgment

This is an Anti reward! If you collaborate with us we'll send you "Apertura del primer cuarto" by María García, plus "Bizarre Trip" by Marcelo Neyra, and a two Minipack Plus off catalogue María García's greatest hits. And we'll mention you in the book.
  • Costo de envío por cuenta del creador
1 / 50 Colaborador
$ 0.30 USD

Proyecto finalizado

Anti Combo + audiotxts cd + Dig. Pack + Acknowledg

To the Anti Ediciones books ("Apertura..." + "Bizarre Trip"), we'll add an audio CD published in 2010 by Zediciones called "Las chicas de ahora lo hacen oral" (check it out in the web!) with 15 audio poems. In addition we'll include a Digital Maxipack with all the books by María García. Together with mentioning you! And thanks.
  • Costo de envío por cuenta del creador
0 / 30 Colaboradores
$ 0.48 USD

Proyecto finalizado

All the above + Custom. memo book + Acknowledgment

We offer you: "Apertura..." by María García, plus "Bizarre Trip" by Marcelo Neyra, plus "Las chicas de ahora lo hacen oral" with the voice of 15 argentinian poets, plus a Digital Maxipack with all the books by María García. To all this we want to add a handmade Memo book customized to your taste. A unique souvenir so you never forget us. And for us never forget you, we'll mention you in the book.
  • Costo de envío por cuenta del creador
0 / 20 Colaboradores
$ 0.67 USD

Proyecto finalizado

2 Books + Super Dig. Pack + Coca Liquor + Acknowle

We'll send you not one but two "Apertura del primer cuarto", one of them autographed, plus a Digital Pack with unpublished books by María García, Marcelo Neyra and Meck. To this we want to add a sweet reward, made wieht my own hands: a very fresh and herbal Coca leaves liquor. And of course, we'll mention you in the book!
  • Costo de envío por cuenta del creador
1 / 18 Colaborador
$ 1.21 USD

Proyecto finalizado

Support + 3 Books

In this reward we offer you to support us, we'll put your company logo in B&W in the book's interior and we'll send you three copies of "Apertura del primer cuarto" and a Greatpack of 10 digital books... and we'll thank you a lot!
  • Costo de envío por cuenta del creador
0 / 6 Colaboradores
$ 3.03 USD

Proyecto finalizado

Sponsorship + 10 Books

In this reward we offer you to be our sponsor. We'll put your color company logo on the back cover, where everybody will see it for a long long time, and we'll send you 10 books "ADPC" all of them signed and specially dedicated. And thanks a big lot!
  • Costo de envío por cuenta del creador
0 / 2 Colaboradores
$ 9.70 USD

Proyecto finalizado

Hi. I'm María García.

I'd like to edit my poetry book "Apertura del primer cuarto/La naturareza de las cosas" (Opening of the first quarter/The rerum naturarity), through the publishing house Anti, from Mendoza, Argentina, and make a pair of presentation in a pair of important cities, to make it known to others.

Anti is publishing project in which I work along with Marcelo Neyra, editor & Meck, graphic designer (you can check her work in her blog)

This book happens to cause a deep impression in myself, and a profound sense of esteem, since every time I read it, it seems to be rewriting itself, just before my eyes, as if it were alive, as if it were a focus of self-organizing activity & its outcome were a new version of De rerum natura. It's because the experiences leading to the writing of this book do not relate to a chronology of events in a certain and determined geographical space, but led me to the possibility to break on through different levels in a trip where I became another, sometimes without moving a single inch. And the process of writing it was not an utilitarian concomitant, but exceeded facts, overwhelming them, as one of the poems of the books says:

"la vida es más de lo que aparece vivo: / "life's more what appears alive:

la hipernovela de la materia, yo diría"./ the hyper-novel of matter, I'd say"

The book also presents the illustrations and owes its visual concept to my dear friend Ariel Bergantini, who from the first time I asked him to illustrate the book had clear that his creations were to perform and not compete, with the poems. Also, he came along with me in some of the adventures we can read in the book, which is, according his exact words: "a beautiful love poem, a blend of wordly pop and the cosmic."

Here one of the illustrations he made for the book. You can mor of his work in his blog

The book also presents a prologue of naKhlah Khan, admired magister between silica. Four pages wihout any waste, thoroughly crafted.

"el versorama-María no aprieta las piernas, las mantiene musculares durante la puja o el pooja, en ángulos contrapuntísticos de ayes o espíritus. Y de allí la llegada aventurera que tiene su libro, liebre del instante, que al mínimo asomo de cacería se adentra en la ur.materia del aire: fiuuuuuuu... ..."

(We can translate that on demand, or we can wait an English version to appear :)

Graphic designer and poet herself, Meck, who is exquisitly talented, will do the interior design and cover.

Here a pair of samples already designed by Meck (by the way, whick one do you prefer?)

We'd like to publish this book around mid-2014 and have a national distribution in bookstores of Mendoza, Buenos Aires, Rosario, to become with. We don't rely on any distributor, so we'll be offering it, distributing it, publicizing it, selling it and, where necessary, giving it away.

¡Thanks a lot for reading our project and we expect your helping us to make our dream come true!

En caso de no recaudar el 100% de nuestro objetivo económico haremos lo siguiente:

  • Con el 10%

    With that amount we could reimburse what we invested in the first inputs, primarily paper. For the book we are using a special paper called "book sale". We also need some translucent paper so as to work with transparency in some ilustrations. For the cover glossy paper. We could also pay back the print proofs from the drafts our designer Meck already is doing from her computer.

  • Con el 25%

    With this amount we could cover the cost of all papers we need, and we could make the first model in order to begin with all corrections and measurements. From there we'd need to begin with registration and ISBN process. Not to forget that, since we live in a small province without Registration Office, we have to afford courier and postal package expenses.

  • Con el 50%

    With that amount we may reimburse the paper cutting (they come in reels) and also the work of Facundo (our printer) to get the printing machines going for our 300 copies! We could repay the cover lamination and profiling of the books. At this point we'll be in a position to thank all our cooperators by mentioning them in a special Acknowledgments page.

  • Con el 75%

    With this amount we could refund some of the distribution costs. We want to tell you that, from all the copies we want to make, we think of giving most of them on consignment (that is, payment is deferred until the product is sold) to book stores and book stalls. Therefore we have to pay shipping costs and all logistic to place and send books to several parts of Argentina, and hopely, overseas.


Digital book + Acknowledgment

Thanks for cooperating with us! We'll send you a digital book and we'll mention you in the book as acknowledgement for your contribution.
  • Sin costo de envío
1 Colaborador
$ 0.06 USD

Proyecto finalizado


Thanks for the contribution! We don't want to limit this reward so, if you want it, you get it, though we may have to make a reedition (hopefully!). It's the least we can do, together with mentioning you as acknowledgement.
  • Sin costo de envío
4 Colaboradores
$ 0.12 USD

Proyecto finalizado

Anti Ediciones Combo + Dig. Pack + Acknowledgment

This is an Anti reward! If you collaborate with us we'll send you "Apertura del primer cuarto" by María García, plus "Bizarre Trip" by Marcelo Neyra, and a two Minipack Plus off catalogue María García's greatest hits. And we'll mention you in the book.
  • Costo de envío por cuenta del creador
1 / 50 Colaborador
$ 0.30 USD

Proyecto finalizado

Anti Combo + audiotxts cd + Dig. Pack + Acknowledg

To the Anti Ediciones books ("Apertura..." + "Bizarre Trip"), we'll add an audio CD published in 2010 by Zediciones called "Las chicas de ahora lo hacen oral" (check it out in the web!) with 15 audio poems. In addition we'll include a Digital Maxipack with all the books by María García. Together with mentioning you! And thanks.
  • Costo de envío por cuenta del creador
0 / 30 Colaboradores
$ 0.48 USD

Proyecto finalizado

All the above + Custom. memo book + Acknowledgment

We offer you: "Apertura..." by María García, plus "Bizarre Trip" by Marcelo Neyra, plus "Las chicas de ahora lo hacen oral" with the voice of 15 argentinian poets, plus a Digital Maxipack with all the books by María García. To all this we want to add a handmade Memo book customized to your taste. A unique souvenir so you never forget us. And for us never forget you, we'll mention you in the book.
  • Costo de envío por cuenta del creador
0 / 20 Colaboradores
$ 0.67 USD

Proyecto finalizado

2 Books + Super Dig. Pack + Coca Liquor + Acknowle

We'll send you not one but two "Apertura del primer cuarto", one of them autographed, plus a Digital Pack with unpublished books by María García, Marcelo Neyra and Meck. To this we want to add a sweet reward, made wieht my own hands: a very fresh and herbal Coca leaves liquor. And of course, we'll mention you in the book!
  • Costo de envío por cuenta del creador
1 / 18 Colaborador
$ 1.21 USD

Proyecto finalizado

Support + 3 Books

In this reward we offer you to support us, we'll put your company logo in B&W in the book's interior and we'll send you three copies of "Apertura del primer cuarto" and a Greatpack of 10 digital books... and we'll thank you a lot!
  • Costo de envío por cuenta del creador
0 / 6 Colaboradores
$ 3.03 USD

Proyecto finalizado

Sponsorship + 10 Books

In this reward we offer you to be our sponsor. We'll put your color company logo on the back cover, where everybody will see it for a long long time, and we'll send you 10 books "ADPC" all of them signed and specially dedicated. And thanks a big lot!
  • Costo de envío por cuenta del creador
0 / 2 Colaboradores
$ 9.70 USD

Proyecto finalizado


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