We are the Ara Pyau Cinema Collective, formed by 24 people from differente Mbyá Guarani communities, between Misiones province (Argentina), and Rio grande do Sul (Brasil). 4 years ago we began exploring filmmaking, based on own our view of the world, and with the desire to continue forming young people in the use of audiovisual tools, making films that represent our own concerns and desires. We took inspiration in the work that was being done among Mbyá communities in the Brasilian side of the frontier. We managed to organize a few workshops using the approach taken by Vídeo nas Aldeias. With the support of Vídeo nas aldeias and the Instituto de Artes Audiovisuales de Misiones (Iaavim), we began capacity building activites in Tekoá Tamanduá (with 4 initial short workshops) and then in Kunha Piry (with 1 initial workshop). Now, with the collective already establied and working horizontally, we want to organize longer worshops. With this in mind we seek the support of wider community with the goal of aquiring quipment, which will be the tools we will use in these worshops.
While we have the possibility to find support for logistical and infraestructural aspects of the future video worshops (applying to funds etc.), in the current political, economic and sanitary context of Brasil and Argentina, it has become harder and harder to find space for projects that allow fot the purchase of tools, such as cameras and computers suited for video editing.
Once the equipment is bought, we will begin using then in a long worshop to be realized in September 2021, in the community of Tamanduá.
If you would like to watch a bit of the work that we have been doing, people watch our first short film, made collectivelly, with borrowed equipment, as part of a workshop: "A seed of Ara Pyau" : https://vimeo.com/241000906
With the gathered funds in this campaign we ideally plan to purchase, for collective use, the following equipment:
Editing equipment
- 2 computers
- 2 hard drives
Video cameras
- 2 slightly better video cameras
- 2 slightly simples video cameras.
Audio equipment - Microphones. - Sound recorder Accessories - Batteries, bags, memory cards Approximately 16% of the total sum gathered will be used to pay the fees of the platform and of the payment services, and for the sending of the rewards.
Thank you for your support!
If we don't reach the 100% of the funding goal, we will use it to do the following:
With the 10%
The priority will be the purchase of a computer suited for video editing. This is the main lack.
With the 25%
It is the full value for the purchase of a good video editing computer, and accessories such as a hard drive.
With the 50%
With half the funds, the priority will be, besides the computer, the aquisition of one of the cameras needed by the group.
With the 75%
After the computer and the first camera, the priority will be the purchase of the accessories: hard drives, a microphone etc.