Proyección is a social center and bookstore located in downtown Santiago de Chile. Since its founding in June 2010, it has been a space for reflection, collaboration, and visibility among grassroot organizations. Proyección has also contributed to the progress and advancement of social mobilization over the last six years.
This self-managed and non-profit project works thanks to a group of 15 people working daily on a voluntary basis. Today, after six years of trying to maintain this space, we have new projects in mind. We need to take a leap forward and strengthen our initiative so that increasingly more people come for books that are not found in commercial bookstores and also create a decent space where organizations can meet.
We want to be a social center that is more open, we want to have a library that is more accessible, and we want to better serve the community. We need your help to bring about the changes that will allow us to accomplish these goals.
What do we want to achieve with this campaign?
We want to spread the word about the Social Center and Librería Proyección project and also attain the funds needed to improve the infrastructure of our rooms. By doing so we would make the space more useful and beautiful for those who visit and work in it daily. These changes coincide with our ambitions and our mission to better our space as a social center but also as a cultural contribution.
What we will do with your contributions?
• Zero Deficit
Non-profit initiatives without external financing are faced with adversities from the capitalist market. Sometimes expenditures exceed revenues and hinder our performance. Proyección needs your help to come as close as possible to zero deficit.
• Improve lighting
Since opening our doors in 2010 we have not been able to attain a lighting system that allows us to have full electrical safety and luminosity in each of our rooms. Along with some electrical arrangements, we need to give better light to our space.
• Sound System
Here at Proyección, we have spent years offering our space to collaborative workshops that require sound and audiovisual equipment. In addition, almost every month a film or documentary is projected in at least one of our rooms. Proyección needs a sound system to better equip and improve the audiovisual experience in our communal space.
• Interior paint, reparing windows and better Central Heating
Regulars at Proyección know that we receive many people on the daily. They also know that during the winter our space is a very cold. We need to clean and beautify our walls, and better insulate the house for comfortable and efficient heating.
• Software
We are in the process of modernizing our management systems and sales. In order to do so we need to finance the technological leap necessary to organize our internal processes and boost our system's efficiency.
• Children’s Space
Everyday, children walk in with their parents leafing through books and/or participating in meetings or activities. We have always been committed to embodying a space where there is room to read, play and share. This is true for all parents, but especially mothers, who want to actively participate in activities and meetings in the hopes of fostering a collective environment. Proyección needs materials, games and furniture to provide an adequate space for both children and parents.
• Our Website
In our daily efforts to gain visibility and work on the organization of our space, we experience constant difficulties. Due to that, we need a site on the web where we can spread our catalog, news, and progression inside and outside the country.
To achieve all of this, PROYECCIÓN NEEDS YOU! For six years, dozens of groups, collectives and organizations have given life to this social and cultural initiative. Today we need to multiply the amount of people that care and work to better our space everyday. Your support, either by donating or spreading this campaign will make a true difference in the coming years of the Social Center and Librería Proyección.
If we don't reach the 100% of the funding goal, we will use it to do the following:
With the 10%
Espacio para niñas y niños. Pintura interior, mantención de ventanas y mejor calefacción
With the 25%
Espacio para niñas y niños. Pintura interior, mantención de ventanas y mejor calefacción. Software
With the 50%
Espacio para niñas y niños. Pintura interior, mantención de ventanas y mejor calefacción. Software. Mejorar la iluminación
With the 75%
Espacio para niñas y niños. Pintura interior, mantención de ventanas y mejor calefacción. Software. Mejorar la iluminación. Déficit cero